
Angela List

Non-Executive Chairman

Angela is the CEO of BCM Investments Ltd, the holding Company of Adamus Resources Ltd and Segala Mining SA. Prior to this, she was a member of the KPMG Ghana Limited audit team, where she successfully carried out audits of major Ghanaian companies, multinational corporations and International banks. With the BCM Group, Angela successfully expanded its activities into West and East Africa and Central Asia, to become one of Africa’s largest private contract miners.

Angela holds a BSc in Administration (Accounting Option), University of Ghana, a Masters Degree, Manchester Executive MBA and completed the PLD program at Harvard University, to become a Harvard Alumni.

Angela is a director of BCM Investment Limited (“BCM”), which currently holds 50,000,000 ordinary shares in GoldStone representing 11.3% of its currently issued share capital.

Emma Priestley

Chief Executive Officer and Director

Emma has a background in mining and financial services. She worked with GVA Grimley and IMC Mackay & Schnellmann with contracts held at PT Anneka Tambang and PT Bukit Assam in Indonesia and with the World Bank in Central America and Africa. In 2000 she was appointed as Mining Analyst with investment bank CSFB, before moving to the financial advisors VSA Resources, and Ambrian Partners, as corporate broker and adviser.

In 2005, Emma was appointed to the main board of Lonrho Plc, which developed business opportunities in infrastructure, transportation, agriculture, support services and natural resources in Africa., Lonrho was successfully taken over in 2014. She is a non-executive Director to CrossInvest Global Management Services Limited, and to Imperial X Plc. Emma is a graduate of Camborne School of Mines, is a Chartered Mining Engineer and Chartered Mineral Surveyor.

Richard Wilkins

Independent Non-Executive Director

Richard is a graduate of Pembroke College, Oxford University, and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Richard is the Finance Director Aim Listed Phoenix Copper Plc.

After qualifying as a chartered accountant with Coopers & Lybrand, he worked in their London and Cairo offices until moving into private business. Richard has considerable experience in emerging markets and the natural resources sector having been a founding director of the Zeravshan Gold Co. (Nelson Gold Group – TSX) in Tajikistan in 1994 and co-founder of the Oxus Gold Group of which he was a director from 1996 to 2017. Oxus produced over 500,000oz. Au from the Amantaytau Goldfields Mine in Uzbekistan.

Dr Orrie Fenn

Independent Non-Executive Director

Dr Fenn has considerable experience in the mining, building materials and construction sectors. He was, from April 2013 until retiring earlier this year, CEO of the Underground Mining business platform of one of the world’s leading underground mining contractors, Murray and Roberts. Prior to that, Dr Fenn was the Group Chief Operating Officer of JSE-quoted PPC Limited. He has also previously held the role as Business Development Manager at Debex, a subsidiary of De Beers Industrial Diamond Division, which designed and manufactured specialised equipment and materials for the diamond, coal and gold mining industries.

Dr Fenn obtained his Doctorate in Engineering from Rand Afrikaans University in 1985, is a member of the South African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, and a Fellow of the South African Institute of Quarrying

Campbell Smyth

Non-Executive Director

Mr Smyth has over 30 years of experience in fund management, capital markets and corporate finance in the venture capital and resource sectors. His extensive experience includes advising company boards in strategic transactions and management and trading of commodity funds. He has assisted in raising over $500m of capital for junior resource companies. Following a career as a resources’ portfolio manager in London with Lion Resource Management, Mr Smyth relocated to Australia and set up Clariden Capital Pty Ltd in September 2008 which focuses on development capital companies on the ASX and TSX. He assisted in managing the Phoenix Gold Fund, based in Kuala Lumpur, from 2005 to 2014. Mr Smyth holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia, and postgraduate studies in Economics from Pembroke College, Oxford University.